They said it was for our protection

Genre: #sci-fi #thriller
Production status: Completed
Director: Josephine Rose
Cast: Clinton Liberty. Jason Flemyng, Cressida Bonas
Producers: Josephine Rose​
Writer: Josephine Rose
Synopsis: TOUCHDOWN follows the story of five friends stranded across the world when meteor storms bring a new life form to earth. As global authorities implement emergency controls and move in secret to eliminate the predator, the friends risk everything to survive as they come face to face with the monster.
The film is called TOUCHDOWN. It’s in the space of MONSTERS meets DISTRICT 9. We took the time of lockdown to make a film entirely on our own resources. As such, it has been on a journey to completion - our own resources have not meant any reduction in ambition and we have shot remotely all over the world, including the UK, U.S., South Africa and Hong Kong. We also have over two hundred and thirty VFX shots, with genre and stylistic echoes of recent films such as GODZILLA MINUS ONE. The result is a truly cinematic, commercially oriented and hopefully thought-provoking film with wide international appeal.